Code of Conduct

Our Code of Conduct


At yüda, our mission to empower equity in emerging technologies is rooted in our collective values of Grace, Integrity, Honesty, Compassion, Listen, and Open-minded Respect. This Code of Conduct applies to everyone associated with yüda, including employees, management, volunteers, partners, and ambassadors. It outlines our expectations for behavior and interaction within our community and with the broader world.


  • We believe in owning our actions and their outcomes. When mistakes are made, we commit to acknowledging them, apologizing sincerely, and making amends. This accountability is a crucial part of the BRAVING acronym for Trust, underlining its importance in building and maintaining trust within our community.


  • Setting clear boundaries is essential for mutual respect and understanding. It involves articulating what is acceptable and what isn't, and why. This process requires vulnerability and courage but is critical to preventing resentment and ensuring a healthy, respectful environment. yüda encourages all team members to establish and respect personal and professional boundaries, fostering a culture of openness and respect.


  • At yüda, reliability means following through on our commitments and being mindful of our capabilities and limitations to avoid overpromising. This reliability forms the foundation of trust among team members, partners, and the communities we serve. By consistently delivering on our commitments, we strengthen our collective ability to make a meaningful impact.


  • We prioritize courage over comfort, choosing what is right over what is easy or expedient. Practicing our values, not just professing them, is fundamental to our integrity. This commitment to integrity guides our actions and decisions, ensuring they align with our mission and values.

Honesty and Open-Minded Respect

  • Honest, direct communication is valued at yüda. We approach each conversation and interaction with an open mind and respect for differing viewpoints, believing that this diversity of thought strengthens our mission. We listen to understand, not to respond, creating a culture where every voice is heard and valued.

Compassion and Grace

  • Compassion and grace are at the heart of our interactions. We approach each other with understanding and empathy, recognizing the diverse backgrounds and challenges we all bring to the table. This empathetic approach enhances our resilience, creativity, and collective strength.

Implementation and Compliance

  • yüda is committed to upholding these standards in our daily operations and interactions. Violations of this Code of Conduct will be addressed promptly and thoughtfully, with the aim of fostering understanding and growth rather than punishment.

Continuous Learning and Growth

  • We acknowledge that creating an inclusive and equitable environment is an ongoing journey. yüda is dedicated to continuous learning, feedback, and adaptation to ensure our community remains a space where everyone can thrive.

This Code of Conduct is a living document, reflecting our commitment to creating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment. It guides our behavior and interactions, both within yüda and in the broader community we aim to serve.